Heritage Baptist Church is always hopping with activity!  We are a close-knit church and love spending time with each other in Christian love and fellowship.  Below we have posted some pictures of our past events.  We would love to see you at our next Service!
The children of Heritage Baptist Church put on
their annual Christmas Play.  This year the 
play was titled “Felix Saves Christmas” and
they all did an amazing job!  Look to the
right and enjoy the play!

Heritage Baptist Academy 2015 Christmas Play “Felix Saves Christmas”

June 15th – 19th, 2015
Camp Courageous, we’re following the LORD!  This years’ Vacation Bible School was an amazing week and the entire church was full of excitement and adventure!
May 3rd, 2015
May 3rd was overtaken by our Youth Group! The A.M. Service was “Youth Sunday” where the Youth ran the service, including the music and message.  It was an amazing service!  We at Heritage Baptist Church know that the Youth are the future of our Church, and our Church is in good hands with these good, Christian young men and women!